Gabriele Vanoni defended its PhD thesis (supervised by Ugo Dal Lago) at the Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria (DISI) at Università di Bologna in June 2022. His research is in the field of logical foundations of (functional) programming languages. After having spent one year at Inria in Sophia Antipolis as a postdoc, he is now a postdoctoral researcher at IRIF, in Paris, funded by FSMP and European Commission.

Main research lines:

  • Operational semantics of the λ-calculus
  • Abstract machines
  • Geometry of interaction
  • Quantitative (intersection) type systems
  • (Reasonable) cost models and complexity analysis for functional programming languages
  • Semantics and complexity analysis of probabilistic programs

Honors and Awards:

  • Best paper nomination at ETAPS 2024.
  • Winner of the Ackermann Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Logic in Computer Science 2023 (awarded by EACLS)
  • Winner of the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2023 (awarded by FoLLI)
  • Best Italian PhD thesis in theoretical computer science 2023 (awarded by the Italian Chapter of EATCS)
  • Invited speaker at DCM 2023
  • Invited speaker at TLLA 2023
  • Distinguished Paper Award at ICFP 2022
  • Invitation to the LMCS Special Issue at LICS 2022


  • MathInGreaterParis Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023-2025), cofunded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and Fondation Sciences mathématiques de Paris (FSMP).

(Co-)Supervised students:

  • Oscar Barreca (B.Sc.). Thesis: Compression of Labeled Spine Trees
  • Yoan Bouniard (M.Sc.). Thesis: Space Complexity of Abstract Machines with Garbage Collection

Curriculum vitae (last update on 30/06/2024)