
My DBLP entry should be always updated.

Doctoral Dissertation

G. Vanoni. On Reasonable Space and Time Cost Models for the λ-Calculus. Università di Bologna 2022. [ link ]

Journal papers

  1. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. Reasonable Space for the λ-Calculus, Logarithmically. Accepted in LMCS. [ link ]
  2. M. Avanzini, G. Bathes, B. Gregoire, G. Moser and G. Vanoni. Hopping Proofs of Expectation-Based Properties: Applications to Skiplists and Security Proofs. OOPSLA 2024. [ link ]
  3. C. Faggian, D. Pautasso and G. Vanoni. Higher-Order Bayesian Networks, Exactly. POPL 2024. [ link ]
  4. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. Multi Types and Reasonable Space. ICFP 2022. Winner of the Distinguished Paper Award. [ link ]
  5. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. The (In)Efficiency of Interaction. POPL 2021. [ link ]
  6. U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. On randomised strategies in the λ-calculus. TCS 2020. [ link | pdf ]

Conferences papers

  1. F. Gavazzo, R. Treglia and G. Vanoni. Monadic Intersection Types, Relationally. ESOP 2024. [ link ]
  2. U. Dal Lago and G.Vanoni. (Not So) Boring Abstract Machines. ICTCS 2023. [ link]
  3. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. Reasonable Space for the λ-Calculus, Logarithmically. LICS 2022. Invited to the LMCS Special Issue. [ link ]
  4. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. The Space of Interaction. LICS 2021. [ link | pdf ]
  5. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. The Machinery of Interaction. PPDP 2020. [ link | slides ]
  6. U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. On Randomised Strategies in the λ-Calculus. ICTCS 2018. [ pdf ]


  1. L. T. D. Nguyễn and G. Vanoni. The Linearity of Transducers. [ link ]


  1. F. Gavazzo, R. Treglia and G. Vanoni. Monadic Intersection Types. TYPES 2023.
  2. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. A Log-Sensitive Encoding of Turing Machines in the λ-Calculus. Unpublished, 2023. [ pdf ]
  3. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. Interacting Seems Unreasonable, in Time and Space. ITRS 2021. [ pdf ]
  4. B. Accattoli, U. Dal Lago and G. Vanoni. The Geometry of Abstract Machines. TLLA 2019. [ pdf ]

Invited Seminars

  1. Computational complexity, Compositionality and the λ-Calculus. IHES, October 2023.
  2. Monadic Intersection Types, CHoCoLa Seminar, May 2023.
  3. λ-Calculus and Reasonable Space, IRIF, November 2022.
  4. Reasonable Space for the λ-Calculus, Logarithmically, Boston University, May 2022.
  5. The Time and Space of Interaction, CHoCoLa Seminar, April 2021. [ slides ]
  6. On Higher-Order (In)Efficiency, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, October 2020. [ slides ]
  7. The Complexity of Interaction Abstract Machines, University of Bath, June 2020.
  8. The Complexity of Interaction Abstract Machines, École polytechnique, June 2020.
  9. The Complexity of Interaction Abstract Machines, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, April 2020.
  10. The Geometry of Abstract Machines, Kyoto University, July 2019.

Service to the Community

  • Member of the program committee of PPDP 2024, POPL 2025.
  • Co-chair of student volunteers at ICFP 2024.
  • Co-organizer of the Workshop “Directions and perspectives in the λ-calculus”. Bologna, 2024.
  • Member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee of ICFP 2021, POPL 2024.
  • Reviewer for FSCD 2019, LICS 2020, FoSSaCS 2021, ICALP 2021, PPDP 2021, MFPS 2022, CSL 2023, FSCD 2023, FCT2023, FSCD 2024, LMCS, TCS.
  • Member of AILA, IC-EATCS.